About Js MediVape Lounge

At Js MediVape Lounge, our mission extends beyond simply providing equipment—we aim to create a safe and supportive environment where patients can access holistic resources to support their well-being. From mental to physical disabilities, we’re committed to hosting a variety of holistic meetings and workshops to benefit our community. Throughout my journey in opening this lounge, I’ve had the privilege of meeting individuals from all walks of life and witnessing firsthand the real benefits that medical cannabis can bring. However, I’ve also recognized the significant restraints that the cost of equipment can impose on patients. That’s why I’m passionate about expanding Js MediVape Lounge beyond Newport and opening many more lounges across the UK. I believe that by creating safe havens and strong communities, we can showcase the benefits of medical cannabis and make a positive impact on patients’ lives.


At Js MediVape Lounge, we’re dedicated to empowering medical cannabis patients with top-grade vaping equipment and fostering supportive communities nationwide.

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